
  • The lecture deals with secularization from a sociological perspective. After discussing the concept of secularization and the distinction between religious and secular, the distinction between micro, meso and macro processes will be applied to the religious sphere. Finally, some aspects of the current religious situation in Europe are examined.
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  • Robert L. Kendrick (Chicago), visiting fellow at the Italian-German Historical Institute, will hold a seminar in FBK’s Aula piccola on April 19, in which he will discuss the growing interest of historians in the topic of “soundscapes” and focus on continuities and discontinuities between the early and late modern age.
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  • The final conference of the REBE project will present - together with international experts - the results of two years of research on the nature of resilient beliefs. What is it that distinguishes “rational” from “irrational,” “good” from “bad” forms of belief resilience? And what about religious beliefs?
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  • The seminar "Digital Divinity: Intersection between Religion and Screen Culture" explores philosophical foundations of screen culture, Christian matrices of digital environments, digital media's theological implications, and religious practice challenges in the digital era, ending with a roundtable discussion.
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  • Oi Dialogoi, progetto di ricerca del Conservatorio Bonporti di Trento, organizza il primo incontro del 2024 nell’Aula Grande di FBK. Nell’occasione verrà presentato il numero inaugurale della rivista «Oi Dialogoi - Ricercare, creare, interpretare. Reti di relazioni tra studenti e docenti di Conservatori e Università».
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  • Join the Bruno Kessler Foundation's Center for Religious Studies in Trento for an event showcasing key 2023 publications. Discover groundbreaking work on religious diversity, digital media's impact, and more. Engage with authors for a deep dive into religious scholarship and societal implications.
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  • The seminar dwells on three different phases of Nigerian Christian history: the full development of Ethiopianism (ca. 1890-1900), the beginnings of the Aladura movement (ca. 1920-1930), and the spread of the “gospel of prosperity” in contemporary Pentecostal churches. The emphasis will be on the configurations that Christianity has given to forms of “traditional” religiosity at each juncture.
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  • The talk, which is part of the Nothing is Ever Lost seminar series in memory of sociologist Massimo Rosati, addresses the theme of the relationship between space and the sacred.
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  • In a seminar linked to the Euregio project “Resilient Beliefs: Religion and Beyond,” Nikolas Kompridis (University of Toronto) discusses the current loss of trust in democracy as an epistemological crisis and asks how to get out of it by creating a new “public” and new political forms
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  • Se la critica musicale appare spesso forzata e infruttifera, come dovremmo giudicare il gesto critico esercitato su una musica che neppure esiste? Può sembrare strano, ma nel corso della storia dello scrivere di musica, alcuni – critici, giornalisti, scrittori di “cose musicali” – si sono dedicati a questa attività paradossale, con scopi, e stili, assai diversi.
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  • The CICATRICI project aims to support reflections on the future of Trento, reconstructing tears and wounds that have occurred near specific places and processes of collective processing of these alterations, or even “traumas,” on which the city’s self-perception and external presentation still depend today.
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  • From 14 to 16 February 2024, FBK will host the meeting of the 'Global Faith-Based Healthcare Systems' project, which is a collaboration between Georgetown University and FBK's Centre for Religious Studies and involves scholars and representatives from local communities and faith-based healthcare organisations.
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