Religion in the Innovation Landscape – Final Conference of the 2018 Religion & Innovation Series

FBK Aula Piccola
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
Aula Piccola
Against the backdrop of the three-dimensional model “religion in innovation – innovation in religion – religion of innovation” introduced in FBK-ISR’s mission statement, the aim of the final conference is to consolidate the exploration of the manifold interactions between religion and innovation in contemporary societies, as well as to envisage novel perspectives for future research:
- Innovation in religion: how is innovation understood, experienced and practiced within religious traditions and communities of faith or belief?
- Religion in Innovation: how do religious traditions and communities of faith or belief contribute to innovation in the areas of culture and society, science and technology, politics and the law?
- Religion of innovation: has the vocabulary of innovation itself become a vehicle for religious discourses? Has innovation itself turned into a belief system and become a sort of religion?
In a multi-disciplinary spirit, three conference sections will explore the emergence of European Islam (innovation in religion), the relation between religion and spirituality on the one hand, Post- and Transhumanism on the other (religion of innovation and innovation in religion), and the role of religious communities in questioning and reshaping consolidated understandings of democracy, the public sphere, and the distinction between public and private law (religion in innovation).
19 November 2018
9.30 – 12.45 Section 1 | The Emergence of European Islam
20 November 2018
16.00 – 17.45 Section 2 | Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Religion and Spirituality
21 November 2018
9.00 – 13.20 Section 3 | Religion and Innovation beyond the Public/Private Divide