15 July 2024Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, professoressa di storia e scienze delle religioni all'Università di Monaco di Baviera, terrà la nona edizione della Davide Zordan Lecture con una conferenza sulle zone di confine.More info
23 February 2024"Nothing is ever lost". Ciclo di seminari in memoria di Massimo Rosati Febbraio – Novembre 2024More info
21 February 2024Ciclo: "Malattie dell'anima, disturbi della mente. I saperi umanistici e la medicina" comitato organizzatore: Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia di Unitn in collaborazione con FBK-ISR.More info
10 January 2024The interplay between enchantment and disenchantment in the realm of religion has been a topic of profound interest and scholarly investigation throughout history. This seminar explores the dialectical relationship between enchantment and disenchantment in the context of religious beliefs, practices, and experiences.More info
16 October 2023On Thursday, October 19, 2023, from 9.15 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., a roundtable discussion will be held on “The Meanings of Creation” at the Auditorium of the “F. A. Bonporti” Conservatory of Music in Trento. Speakers include, among others, D. Assael, M. Giuliani, M.A.M. Pusterla, M. Camerini.More info
02 October 2023Debora Tonelli edited a new collection of essays titled "Fra kósmos e pólis: identità e cittadinanza da una prospettiva Mediterranea" (2023), which includes seven works from Mediterranean scholars exploring the concepts of identity and citizenship, particularly in the context of globalization.More info
31 July 2023Massimo Leone and Marco Ventura, Director and former Director of ISR, respectively, co-chair, along with Alessandra Vitullo, a panel on religion and artificial intelligence at the 20th Annual Congress of the European Association for the Study of Religion (EASR), Vilnius, Sept. 4-8, 2023.More info
28 April 2023April 18, 2023 saw the release of L’arte dell’essenziale. Un’escursione filosofica nelle terre alte, Paolo Costa’s book dedicated to the spiritual meanings of mountainsMore info
28 November 2022On November 18-19, the first workshop of the interregional and interdisciplinary research project “Resilient Beliefs: Religion and Beyond” (2022-2024), funded by the Euregio Science Fund and carried out by the Center for Religious Studies in cooperation with the University of Innsbruck and PTHSTA, was held in Brixen.More info
03 November 2022What ethical, social and political issues has Covid-19 raised in the course of its management? How have different countries approached this issue? On 4 and 5 November 2022, an international conference organised at the University of Turin will discuss these issues from a comparative and cross-cultural perspective.More info
25 October 2022The book by Enrico Piergiacomi studies the reception of the theological-ethical verses of Lucretius' "De rerum natura" in the philosopher Pierre Gassendi. He was the first to have cited and analyzed almost the entire Lucretian poem, with the aim of creating a neo-Epicurean philosophy compatible with modern science and with Christianity.More info
19 October 2022There are two pitfalls in digital health ethics: an approach to the digital as an environment to which to adapt and an approach that reduces the digital to a mere instrument. It is possible anyway to approach the digital as a "milieu" as well.More info