30 January 2025HuMe (Humanities and Medicine) Seminar Cycle 22 January 2025 - 6 November 2025More info
03 December 2024“Alla prova del tempo. Religioni e civiltà,” a book collecting the Zordan Lectures 2020, 2021 and 2022 is out. It is the first title in the new ISR “Tridenti” series.More info
03 December 2024In the 20th and 21st centuries, where violence has scarred countless lives, the interplay between religion, politics and conflict remains a complex web. This volume seeks to unravel some of these knots, showing not only how faith can ignite bloodshed, but also how it can contribute to peace.More info
18 November 2024Giovedì 21 novembre, alle ore 14, presso l'Aula V della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università Sapienza e online, si terrà il settimo incontro del Ciclo di seminari "Nothing is Ever Lost”, dedicato alla memoria del sociologo italiano Massimo Rosati.More info
04 November 2024The book edited by our researcher Debora Tonelli, Fra kósmos e pólis: identità e cittadinanza da una prospettiva mediterranea, Jouvence 2023, will be presented in Veroli on November 8, h 6.30pm as part of the ongoing seminar on the Lessico Mediterraneo.More info
31 October 2024The book edited by Debora Tonelli e Gerard Mannion, Exiting Violence: The Role of Religion, De Gruyter 2024 will be presented on November 12, 2024 h 9pm at the Casa della Cultura in Milan as part of BookCityMore info
20 October 2024Sei uno/a studente/ssa di dottorato o un/a dottore/ssa di ricerca nei campi delle scienze religiose, della semiotica, delle scienze della comunicazione o di discipline correlate? Sei interessato/a a esplorare l’intersezione tra nuove tecnologie, linguaggio, religione e fenomeni di nuovo incantamento / disincanto? Se è così, ti invitiamo a candidarti per accedere ad un’opportunità unica di partecipare a un simposio innovativo che approfondisce l’affascinante dominio in cui convergono tecnologia, studi sul linguaggio, estetica e spiritualità.More info
18 October 2024The new volume (25/2024) of the Annali di Studi Religiosi is out, this year for the first time with the publishing house Aracne.More info
17 October 2024inglese This activity results from two projects that have received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement no. 819649-FACETS and grant agreement no. 101100643-EUFACETS).More info
10 October 2024Exiting Violence: The Role of Religion (De Gruyter 2024) is the title of the book edited by Debora Tonelli and Gerard Mannion. In the interview published by the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC Dornsife Debora Tonelli talks about the project of which the book is a part, the issues addressed, the solutionsMore info
10 October 2024Next Tuesday, 15 October, at 6 p.m., in the Simonetti Lecture Hall of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at the Sapienza University of Rome, the sixth seminar of the Nothing is Ever Lost Ciclo will be held, dedicated to the memory of the Italian sociologist Massimo Rosati.More info