FBK projects on religious or belief minority rights. Presentation and discussion of the results of the Atlas and ReMinEm projects.

Online e in presenza
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
Aula piccola
Online e in presenza
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
Aula piccola
Is it possible to measure the rights of religious minorities? Where does Italy rank in terms of measuring these rights? Are the rights of religious minorities better promoted in a system of uniform law, as is the case in Europe, or in a regime of religiously based personal rights, as is the case in some Middle Eastern countries?
These (and other) questions will be discussed at the forthcoming meeting, where the results of two research projects will be presented in detail. The first, entitled Atlas of religious or belief minority rights in the European Union countries, is about the creation of a tool to map and measure minority rights (https://atlasminorityrights.eu/). The second, entitled Models of Inclusion of Religious Minorities in the Euro-Mediterranean Area (ReMinEm), is aimed at comparing the rights of religious minorities in some European countries and in two Middle Eastern countries, Egypt and Lebanon (https://atlasminorityrights.eu/reminem/).
Massimo Leone, Saluti
Silvio Ferrari (FBK), Introduzione all’Atlas
Ilaria Valenzi (FBK e Confronti), I risultati del progetto
Rossella Bottoni (Università di Trento), Introduzione a ReMinEm
Valeria Fabretti (FBK) e Deborah Iannotti (FBK), I risultati del progetto
Roberto Toniatti (Università di Trento), Uno sguardo dall’esterno
Silvio Ferrari (FBK), I prossimi passi
The event will be in Italian
The seminar will be online or, subject to availability, in the Small Hall in FBK
Registration required by Nov. 10, 2022, noon
Registration to this event is mandatory.
Registration closed on 10/11/2022.