The role of AI between conservation and transformation

The development of new technologies seemed capable of realizing the Enlightenment promises of increasing democratization of knowledge and universal interconnectedness, the prelude to “perpetual peace.” In reality, the returning illiteracy of the average educated citizen, the increase in social conflict, the instability of geopolitical scenarios seem to be enhanced by such technologies. This has prompted some scholars from different disciplinary fields to reflect on the way new technologies operate with tools that can distract users from the underlying issues of existence: the meaning of life and living together, which include the proximity of bodies, looks, voice, but also the criteria of choices that impact the quality of life, which make it worth living. The multi-voice seminar aims to bring out the role of AI in the transformation of the human world, of our judgment criteria and to ascertain its impact on the preservation of civic and spiritual values that underlie our living and our ability to establish relationships.
The discussion will not seek to reach a single, shared position, but to demonstrate the fruitfulness of critical reflection, plurality of perspectives and interpretations at stake, and question the essential foundations of existence, avoiding both alarmism and celebrations and instead holding firm to the recognition that critical thinking must be the compass by which we orient ourselves.
Seminar Series: Conservation and Transformation in Ethics and Religion
Scientific Coordination: Massimo Leone, FBK-ISR
Co-organized by Astérisque – La rivista di Filosofia in Movimento
Valentina Chiesi - SpeakerUniversity Cattolica of MilanShe graduated in Law at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and obtained a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Law at the same University. She has worked on functionalism, systems theory and the social transformations affecting the contemporary era, with particular reference to the dimension of temporality from a philosophical, sociological and legal perspective. Author of numerous essays and of the book Utopia(Castelvecchi, 2023), she runs a number of workshop courses for secondary schools. She is currently involved in an intergenerational project for the collection of oral narratives in the Parma area.
Paolo Ercolani - SpeakerUniversity «Carlo Bo» of UrbinoHe teaches philosophy at the University of Urbino and is a lecturer at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies in Naples. He is among the founders and a member of the scientific committee of the International Association “Philosophy in Motion” ( as well as a constant author for “Rai Scuola,” “Rai Filosofia” and “Rai Cultura.” His scientific books and articles have been published in English, German, Spanish and Portuguese, as well as in Italian. his latest book is “Nietzsche the Hyperborean. The Prophet of the Death of Man in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” (Genoa 2022), called ‘brilliant’ by Sossio Giametta in the ‘Domenicale’ of Il Sole 24 Ore.
Roberto Finelli - SpeakerUniversità of Roma TreA former full professor of History of Philosophy, he is editor of the philosophy and humanities journal “Consecutio rerum” ( He has done numerous studies on German idealism and materialism. He works on artificial intelligence and new technologies to move from a psychoanalytic perspective.
Registration to this event is mandatory.
RegisterRegistration to this event is mandatory.
The event will be held in Italian.
The presentation will take place in presence in the Aula Piccola FBK while places are available and online.
Registration is mandatory by 28 febbraio 2025 alle ore 12.00.