Gender based Violence in the context of war and conflict: a power tool – Seminar

This appointment is organized from the Forum fiorentino, in collaboration with the Department of Polical and Social Sciences of University of Florence, FBK-ISR, CSPS of Tor Vergata University and Reset Dialogue on Civilizations.
It will discuss how religion has been politicized in order to motivate violence in the case of former Yugoslavian Republics. Specifically it will concentrate on how religion has interacted with ethnicity in a process of re-entrenchment of collective identities, as well as in the elaboration of identitarian narratives inclining towards violence.
The relationship among religion-violence-gender is one of the topics of the project, in order to reflect upon the role of the women in the conflicts and the contribute that women could give for their solutions. Of course, these considerations start from a process of re-thinking and re-elaboration of historical events in which women have played a passive or an active role.
In the context of the mission of the Center, the seminar Gender based Violence could contribute to the advancement of critical understanding of the multi-faceted relationship between religion and innovation in contemporary society. In particular about the building of political and religious identity and about the role and the new challenges of the women in an intercultural and multireligious area. Innovation is a new understanding of the religious and socio-political actors in the national and international scene.