New Spaces and Architectures of the Sacred – Workshop
FBK Aula Piccola
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
Aula Piccola
The third event in FBK-ISR’s 2018 series Religion & Innovation moves from the opening reflection on social and cultural innovation in order to explore meanings and uses of innovative concepts and architectures of the sacred place.
In the frame of the relationship between the two categories of religion and space, Andrew Crompton and Marian Burchardt will present their current studies on multi-faith places, discussing cases in light of the challenge posed by religious diversity and the coexistence of the religious and the secular in the public space. The lectures will be discussed by Stefano Allievi.
A Round Table with representatives of relevant meditation/prayer rooms projects within public buildings (hospitals and university campus) in Italy will follow.
University of Leipzig
University of Liverpool
University of Padua