Religious Diversity and Social Innovation - WORKSHOP

FBK Aula Piccola
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
Aula Piccola
The fifth event in FBK-ISR’s 2018 series “Religion & Innovation” explores the connections between the growing religious diversity and innovation in social policies and interventions. Two lectures from different disciplines and perspectives help in clarifying this under researched field.
Frank Moulaert (University KU Leuven), a leading scholar in innovation studies, offers a frame in which social innovation emerge as collective and values-based process and examines the role of ethics in specific socially innovative initiatives.
Paolo Naso (La Sapienza University of Rome), particularly expert in religious diversity and the relationship between religious groups and public authorities, will deepen the way religious-driven processes of innovation are displaying in the Italian increasingly plural scenario.
Students Participation Grants
Candidates | MA and PhD students with an interest in our mission on the study and improvement of the interaction of religion and innovation
Contribution | Board and travel expenses will also be covered up 300 euros
Number of grants | 4
Deadline | June 11, 2018
Application | Send a motivation letter, academic curriculum, and a letter of presentation by a renowned scholar stating the relevance of the applicants’ research to [email protected]
Please note that the attendance to the two events will be compulsory for Italian speaking scholarship recipients, whereas others will be required to attend the Workshop on June 21 only.
University KU Leuven
La Sapienza University of Rome