Artificial Intelligence and Religion - AIR2020

FBK Aula Grande
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
Aula Grande
AIR2020 aims to explore current interactions between the religious sphere (widely construed in terms of diverse communities, institutions, practices, precepts, beliefs, and rites) on the one hand, research and innovation in the field of AI on the other. The event, organized in collaboration with the Center for Information and Communication Technologies of Fondazione Bruno Kessler FBK-ICT, will bring together researchers in artificial intelligence, the social sciences of religion, and the philosophy of religion.
Conference language: English
For the conference programme, speaker bios and abstracts, please visit the AIR2020 web site.
AIR2020 is embedded in the mission on religion and innovation of the Center for Religious Studies at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), as articulated in our 2019 position paper Religion and Innovation: Calibrating Research Approaches and Suggesting Strategies for a Fruitful Interaction. Our position paper proposes a set of eleven recommendations concerning action research in religion and innovation that can benefit societal actors in their attempts to strengthen the interaction between religion and innovation. For an account of FBK-ISR’s work on religion and innovation please consult our booklet Religion & Innovation at FBK.
AIR2020 continues the 2018 workshop and lecture series Religion and Innovation, with a specific focus on innovations in AI and their impact on religion.
Scientific Committee FBK
Marco Ventura, Director of the Center for Religious Studies, FBK
Paolo Traverso, Director of the Center for Information and Communication Technology, FBK
Oliviero Stock, Head of the Research Area Artificial Intelligence, Center for Information and Communication Technology, FBK
Boris Rähme, Researcher at the Center for Religious Studies, FBK