A shared interest in family legal pluralism: The potential of constructive alliances between religious and queer groups

Do religious and queer groups have something in common they are overlooking when it comes to regulating families?
Various religious groups have shown an interest in promoting alternative family structures. Notable examples include the recognition of polygamy advocated by some Muslim communities and a splinter group within Mormons. Perhaps less known are the cases where religious conservatives (e.g. in Alberta, Vermont) introduced schemes that led to the recognition of cohabiting friends or relatives to downplay the LGBTQI+ agenda and marriage equality. Crucially, all these reforms are aligned with the queer groups’ interest in resisting the assimilation into the narrow marital family that comes with marriage.
Building on this perceived potential for a convergence of interests in the field of family law, the conference will bring together experts in family legal pluralism, with a background in either religious pluralism or queer theory. The two overarching themes that will be addressed are (their potential common interest in) the introduction of non-marital regimes and recognition of non-dyadic relationships.
The aim of the workshop is to facilitate a dialogue so as to build a theoretical framework for the creation of constructive alliances between queer and religious groups in the realm of family law.
Introductory remarks (2:00 – 2:15 pm)
Roberto Toniatti, Università di Trento
Marco Ventura, Università di Siena – FBK Center for Religious Studies
Presentation of the research project (2:15 – 2:30 pm)
Nausica Palazzo, Università di Trento – FBK Center for Religious Studies
Session no. 1: Marriage and non-marital regimes (2:30 – 4:00 pm)
Chair: Petr Agha, Center for International Courts, University of Copenhagen
Jeffrey A Redding, Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law – LUMS
Personal status laws
Mariano Croce (partner), Università La Sapienza di Roma
Robin Fretwell Wilson (partner), University of Illinois
Disentangling marriage in the State
Antonio Vercellone, Università di Torino
Functional recognition: The case of Italy
Laura Kessler, University of Utah
Law and social movements for family equality: The case of Israel
Nicola Barker, University of Liverpool
Religion and sexuality in the Bermuda same-sex marriage litigation
Session no. 2: Recognition of non-dyadic relationships (4:10 – 5:30 pm)
Chair: Eva Brems, Universiteit Gent
Christian Klesse, Manchester Metropolitan University
Consensual non-monogamy and coalition politics
Federica Sona, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Informal polygamy in Europe
Frederik Swennen (partner), Universiteit Antwerpen
Un-coupling family law
Frederick Mark Gedicks, Brigham Young University
Polygamy and Mormons
Beatrice Gusmano, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Queer friendship as a stable affect
Concluding remarks (5:30 – 5:50 pm)
Jeffrey A Redding, Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law – LUMS
With its cross-sectional glimpse of the ways in which individuals nowadays live family and with its attempt to bridge perspectives –religious and queer– traditionally framed as incompatible, the workshop aligns with the core mission of the FBK Center on religion and innovation, as articulated in the Strategic Plan 2019-21 and in our booklet Religion & Innovation at FBK.
Workshop organized within the postdoctoral research project “Ipotesi di nuovi assetti di pluralismo giuridico in materia familiare in ordinamenti della Western legal tradition”/“Enhancing family legal pluralism in Western legal systems”, funded by the University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Università di Trento & FBK-ISRUniversità di Trento – FBK Center for Religious Studies
Roberto Toniatti - SpeakerUniversità di TrentoUniversità di Trento
Marco Ventura - SpeakerUniversità di Siena – Center for Religious StudiesUniversità di Siena – FBK Center for Religious Studies
Petr Agha - SpeakerCenter for International Courts, University of CopenhagenCenter for International Courts, University of Copenhagen
Jeffrey A Redding - SpeakerShaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law - LUMSShaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law - LUMS
Mariano Croce (partner) - SpeakerUniversità La Sapienza di RomaUniversità La Sapienza di Roma
Robin Fretwell Wilson (partner) - SpeakerUniversity of IllinoisUniversity of Illinois
Antonio Vercellone - SpeakerAntonio VercelloneUniversità di Torino
Laura Kessler - SpeakerUniversity of UtahUniversity of Utah
Nicola Barker - SpeakerUniversity of LiverpoolUniversity of Liverpool
Eva Brems - SpeakerUniversiteit GentUniversiteit Gent
Christian Klesse - SpeakerManchester Metropolitan UniversityManchester Metropolitan University
Federica Sona - SpeakerMax Planck Institute for Social AnthropologyMax Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Frederik Swennen (partner) - SpeakerUniversiteit AntwerpenUniversiteit Antwerpen
Frederick Mark Gedicks - SpeakerBrigham Young UniversityBrigham Young University
Beatrice Gusmano - SpeakerCa' Foscari University of VeniceCa' Foscari University of Venice
Jeffrey A Redding - SpeakerShaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law - LUMSShaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law - LUMS
Registration for the event is mandatory by September 18, 2020, 9:30. The link to access the online workshop will be sent on September 18, 2020 via email.