via Malpaga, 17, 38122 Trento
Sala Conferenze
On December 11th, on the occasion of the International Mountain Day 2021, the Center for Religious Studies of FBK and the Trento Film Festival organize together a series of events focusing on the major themes that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought into public discussion also in the highlands: fragility, resilience, solitude, crowd, freedom, health, conflicts between generations, care for the environment.
The main event is a panel discussion on “After the pandemic: what does the future look like from the mountains?” (SOSAT Conference Room, via Malpaga, 17, Trento, 10 – 12.30 am). Antonio G. Bortoluzzi (novelist), Nicola Magrin (illustrator), Roberta Silva (mountain hut warden), Michele Trentini (documentary filmmaker) will be the speakers. The meeting will be moderated by Paolo Costa (philosopher, FBK-ISR).
The round table will be followed in the afternoon by a dialogue between N. Magrin and A.G. Bortoluzzi, organized by Lisa Orlandi of La Piccola Libreria. The meeting will be held in Levico, at the Ristorante Boivin, from 4.30 to 6.30 p.m., and will focus on Magrin’s book Altri voli con le nuvole (2021) and Bortoluzzi’s Valturcana trilogy (Cronache dalla valle, Paesi alti, Vita e morte della montagna).
Finally, in the evening, at the Cinema Modena, Room 2, at 8.30 p.m., there will be a screening of the documentary “La Casa Rossa” (Germany, Italy / 2021 / 82’, winner of the audience Best Feature Film Award, Premio Solidarietà Cassa di Trento e Premio Lizard – Viaggio e Avventura, 69. Trento Film Festival), whose theme is the uncertain future of a fragile land and population (East Greenland and the Inuit who live there).
The protagonist of the film, explorer R. Peroni, and the Director F. Catarinolo, will be present in the room. M. Forti is the guest of the evening.
Entrance with Green Pass
In order to attend the Roundtable, reservations must be made through Eventbrite by December 10 at 12pm
For the screening of “La Casa Rossa”, bookings and purchases at the page https://cineworld.18tickets.it/film/7222, at the telephone number 0461.261819, or at the Cinema ticket office every day from 4.30 pm
Antonio G. Bortoluzzi, scrittore, tra le sue opere "Come si fanno le cose" (Marsilio 2019); "Paesi alti" (Biblioteca dell’immagine, 2015); "Vita e morte della montagna" (Biblioteca dell’immagine, 2013).
Nicola Magrin, illustratore, ha lavorato per Einaudi, TEA, Longanesi, Laterza, ed è autore di "Altri voli con le nuvole" (Salani, 2021).
Robert Peroni, scrittore, esploratore e alpinista italiano, è autore insieme a Francesco Casolo di "Dove il vento grida più forte. La mia seconda vita con il popolo dei ghiacci" (Sperling & Kupfer, 2014) e protagonista del documentario "La casa rossa" (Germania - Italia, 2021).
Roberta Silva, gestisce il rifugio Roda di Vaèl ed è la protagonista del documentario "Con il sorriso" (Italia, 2021).
Michele Trentini, documentarista, ha diretto, tra l’altro, "Piccola Terra" (Miglior Documentario Italiano a Cinemambiente Torino 2012), "Contadini di montagna" (Premio Touring Club al Trento Film Festival 2015); "Ritratti in malga" (Premio Valbusa Film Fest 2017); "Latte nostro" (2018); "Manufatti in pietra" (2019).
Registration to this event is mandatory.
Registration closed on 10/12/2021.