Good objects. For a value-sensitive technology

FBK Aula Piccola
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
Aula Piccola
FBK Aula Piccola
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
Aula Piccola
How do ethics and new technologies interact? Considering the role of systems and, more specifically, innovations, this webinar will outline an approach to responsible innovation called Value Sensitive Design (VSD) as a method for designing systems that can be considered and defined as “good.” Beginning with practices of co-construction, the webinar will explore how it is possible to promote more participatory research and design the systems that characterize our daily lives and those of future generations.
The seminar will be held in Italian.
The presentation will be in-person in the FBK Aula Piccola while seats last and online.
Registration by November 26, 2023 at 12:00 a.m. is required in order to arrange the connection.
Steven Umbrello - SpeakerFBK-ISRSteven Umbrello is the Managing Director at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and a research fellow at the University of Turin. He is also an associate researcher the Collège des Bernardins, and was previously a research fellow at the Delft University of Technology. His work focuses on the ethics and design of emerging and transformative technologies, in particular, artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0 technologies. He is the editor of several international academic journals, such as the International Journal of Technoethics, the Journal of Responsible Technology, and the Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies. He was formerly a Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse Global Fellow at Eurac Research, where he worked on the philosophy, religion, and society program, and is a researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation, where he works on the ethics of generative AI. He is the author of several books and dozens of academic articles.
Massimo Zancanaro - SpeakerFBKMassimo Zancanaro is the head of the Intelligent Interfaces and Interaction Research Unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler and a full professor of Computer Science at the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science of the University of Trento. His research interests are in the field on Human-Computer Interaction and specifically on the topic of Intelligent Interfaces for which he is interested in investigating aspects related to the design as well as to study the reasons for use and non-use. He coordinates the IT&CS laboratory ( that aims to apply human-centred approaches from cognitive psychology and social science to better design digital technologies. At present, he serves as vice-chair for the Italian Chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction and as Associated Editor for the journal Behavior and Information Technology.
Registration to this event is mandatory.
Registration closed on 26/11/2023.