Oriente, orientamento, orizzonte: la libertà religiosa e l’orientamento sessuale tra tradizione e diritti umani

FBK Aula Piccola
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
Aula Piccola
FBK Aula Piccola
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
Aula Piccola
The process of deconstructing of the traditional concept of religion has evolved initially within the framework of freedom of conscience and religion, and later through new formulations like “freedom of religion or belief” (FoRB) and “religious or belief minority”. Overall, this process has not only promoted the peaceful coexistence between believers and non-believers, but has also led to the gradual emergence of new realms of sexual-related freedoms. While religions of the book have historically dictated normative parameters for constructing sexuality and defining gender roles, FoRB, in fact, does not impose conformity to theologies and orthopraxis. Instead, it guarantees respect for individual autonomy and conscience, even in matters of emotion and sexuality. Building upon these premises, this seminar explores the intersection between religion and sexual orientation within the human rights system of the United Nations (UN), the Council of Europe (CoE), and the European Union (EU). This analysis will follow three perspectives: 1) the path and method of the research; 2) the religious factor in shaping the right to sexual orientation; and 3) the conflicts and alliances between the right to sexual orientation and the right to religious freedom
Speaker: Daniele Ferrari, FBK-ISR
Scientific coordination: Massimo Leone, Direttore FBK-ISR
Cycle of seminars: “(Dis-)Enchantment in Religion and Ethics“
The talk will be held in italian.
The speaker will connect remotely.
The presentation will be in-person in the FBK Aula Piccola while seats last and online.
Registration by January 22, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. is required in order to arrange the connection.
Fresco of Schweitzer
Daniele Ferrari - SpeakerDaniele Ferrari is a researcher in ecclesiastical and canon law at the University of Eastern Piedmont, an associate researcher at the "Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités" of Paris, and an associated member at the research center "Droit, religion, entreprise et société" at the University of Strasbourg. His research focuses on the relationship between law and religion, particularly in the context of migration, the concept of religious minority, and the intersection between religious freedom and sexual orientation. He has authored numerous scientific publications and has actively participated in national and international conferences, as well as in national and European research projects as a member. Among his recent publications is the monograph "Orientamento sessuale e libertà religiosa. Percorsi e sfide nel diritto internazionale ed europeo" (Il Mulino, 2021) (Sexual Orientation and Religious Freedom: Paths and Challenges in International and European Law).
Registration to this event is mandatory.
Registration closed on 22/01/2024.