Political and Religious Disagreements. Boris Rähme at the conference “Political Disagreements” in Berlin
The conference is organised by the research project “Tiefe Meinungsverschiedenheiten / Deep Disagreements”, coordinated by Prof. Geert Keil (Humboldt University) and Prof. Ralf Poscher (University of Freiburg).
Rähme will explore the intersections between the work done on religious disagreement under the ISR research project Arguing Religion, and the work pursued on political disagreement by the “Deep Disagreements” project. In line with the Center’s mission, which is focused the study of the relationship between religion and innovation in contemporary societies, the occasion will moreover serve to consolidate the collaboration with ISR’s Berlin and Freiburg partners – initiated through the joint organisation of the international conference Arguing Religion: Disagreement, Recognition, and the Reach of Argumentative Debate (Trento, 6-8 June 2017).