Fra kósmos e pólis: identità e cittadinanza da una prospettiva mediterranea, Jouvence 2023

04 November 2024

“First of all it was Chaos…” then numerous ancient theogonies narrate the intervention of an ordering deity who grants stability and harmony to the entire cosmos. Words such as identity, citizenship, globalization have become commonly used, often without having adequate knowledge of their genesis, the change in their meaning nor the complexity that characterizes them. The authors of the essays collected in this volume explore the link that exists between these concepts in the philosophical tradition: the original link between kósmos and polis – between cosmic order and political order – that characterized the Greek experience, was realized in the tension of the logos that was to give rise to order in a particular polis. Political order is (also) a reflection of cosmic order, a guarantor of harmony and stability. However, from Socrates onward, the tension between the elements that allow us to define identity, citizenship, globalization and the relationships between them has continually emerged. From Greek thought to Mediterranean food, from the philosophy of language to recent reflections on cosmopolitanism and sovereignty, this volume discusses and articulates the tension between possible order (kósmos) and particular contexts (pólis).

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