Two talks of our researcher Boris Rähme at the University of Helsinki | 15 and 25 June 2018

As part of his FBK Mobility4Research project “Arguing Religion: Disagreement and Epistemic Fallibility”, our researcher Boris Rähme will give two talks at the University of Helsinki.
The first talk, at the Third European Pragmatism Conference on 15 June, is based on a paper titled
“Fallibilism, Scepticism, and Epistemic Possibility”.
On 25 June, moreover, Rähme will give an invited paper with the title “Are religious disagreements about religious propositions?” at the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence on Reason and Religious Recognition.
Both papers are outputs of the ISR research project “Arguing Religion”, which is active since May 2016 and investigates the reach of argumentative responses to religious disagreements. In line with FBK-ISR’s Mission on Religion & Innovation, both papers explore innovative ways of conceptualising religious disagreements, epistemic fallibility and epistemic possibility.