Valeria Fabretti
- Permanent Researcher
Valeria Fabretti obtained her PhD in “Social Systems, Organizations, and Public Policy Analysis” from Sapienza University of Rome. She taught General Sociology for several years at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata.” Currently, she teaches Sociology in the “Politics, Philosophy, and Economics” undergraduate program at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome.
She is a researcher at the Center for Religious Studies of the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK-ISR), which she joined in 2017. Here, she promotes and coordinates research projects on coexistence among diverse groups, pluralism, and the recognition of religious minorities. Her main research interests focus on the study of social and religious spaces, and she coordinates the research program Religious and Spiritual Spaces: Places, Devices, and Practices of Encounter and Recognition in Plural Societies. This program includes the TESEO and CICATRICI projects, both funded by the CARITRO Foundation and carried out in collaboration with the Department of Humanities at Roma Tre University. These projects explore the historical and contemporary role of both secular and religious places involved in significant social change processes in the Trentino region, also leveraging digital reconstruction, augmented reality, and virtual reality technologies.
At FBK, she is also involved in research and educational initiatives related to social and school inclusion, as well as fostering critical awareness among younger generations regarding the cultural, social, and ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence technologies.
- Cultural Studies
- Spatial Studies
- Religious Studies
- Social Cohesion
- Social Change
Related Projects
- INSIDE - INvestigating Multireligious and Spiritual Spaces Inside Public and Secular Environments in Italy
- Religions, Cultural Memory and Heritage in the City: Reassembling a Plural Scenario
- CICATRICI - PerCorsi di ricerca su alcuni luoghI ChiAve di TRento per ricostruire le diverse Identità della città, tra Continuità e strappI
- TESEO - SociomaTErialità del Sacro e gEOgrafie dell’incontro: dai luoghi di culto agli spazi multi-religiosi sul territorio della provincia di Trento
- Preventing discrimination and persecution. Models of inclusion of religious minorities in the Euro-Mediterranean space (ReMinEM)
- Intersecting Grounds of Discrimination in Italy, INGRID
- DICO DI NO - DIsCOrsi d’oDIo e culture giovaNili On line
Among her publications: