Valeria Fabretti

  • Permanent Researcher
Centre for Religious Studies

Valeria Fabretti obtained her PhD in “Social Systems, Organizations, and Public Policy Analysis” from Sapienza University of Rome. She taught General Sociology for several years at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata.” Currently, she teaches Sociology in the “Politics, Philosophy, and Economics” undergraduate program at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome.

She is a researcher at the Center for Religious Studies of the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK-ISR), which she joined in 2017. Here, she promotes and coordinates research projects on coexistence among diverse groups, pluralism, and the recognition of religious minorities. Her main research interests focus on the study of social and religious spaces, and she coordinates the research program Religious and Spiritual Spaces: Places, Devices, and Practices of Encounter and Recognition in Plural Societies. This program includes the TESEO and CICATRICI projects, both funded by the CARITRO Foundation and carried out in collaboration with the Department of Humanities at Roma Tre University. These projects explore the historical and contemporary role of both secular and religious places involved in significant social change processes in the Trentino region, also leveraging digital reconstruction, augmented reality, and virtual reality technologies.

At FBK, she is also involved in research and educational initiatives related to social and school inclusion, as well as fostering critical awareness among younger generations regarding the cultural, social, and ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence technologies.

  • Cultural Studies
  • Spatial Studies
  • Religious Studies
  • Social Cohesion
  • Social Change
Curriculum Vitae

Related Projects


Among her publications:

Reconsidering the value of Multi-Religious Spaces under the notion of Religious Cultural Heritage. Beyond a Purely Symbolic or Entirely Utilitarian Function. In Religions, Special Issue Edited by M.C. Giorda and A. Federici, Religions, Cultural Memory and Heritage in the City: Reassembling a Plural Scenario, 2025, 16(3), 295.

Room for Otherness. Body, Space and Materiality in the Investigation of Respect within Multi-Religious Cities and Spaces, in Annali di Scienze Religiose, 25/2024.

Exploring Intersectionality in Anti-Discrimination Work. Representations and Practices of Social Workers in Northern Italy. In Phenomenology and Mind, Special Issue Structural Injustice: Reflections on Social Groups, Identity and Intersectionality, Guest Editors Federica Liveriero and Ingrid Salvatore, n. 27-2024, pp. 182-196

Gli effetti simbolici dello Hate Speech: riflessioni sul caso dell’odio rivolto a minoranze religiose, in I discorsi dell’oltre: fascino e pericoli della polarizzazione, Trento, FBK Press, 2023, pp. 23-34

With Azzolini, D., Try walking in my shoes. Il rapporto con l’alterità culturale degli adolescenti italiani e il possibile contributo della nuova educazione civica, in Scuola democratica, Learning for Democracy, 1/2022, pp. 85-110

Sociologia della religione, in G. Filoramo and M.C. Giorda (a cura di), Manuale di Scienze Religiose. Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana, 2019.

With Griera M. and Giorda M.C., Local Governance of Religious Diversity in Southern Europe: The Role of Interreligious Actors, in The Interfaith Movement. Mobilising Religious Diversity in the 21st Century, edited by J. Fahy, J-J. Bock, Routledge, London, 2019, pp. 122-138

With Vereni, P., Spazio certo e luoghi vaghi. Territori del sacro e diversità religiosa a Roma tra flussi globali e processi di esclusione, In A. Saggioro, C. Russo, Roma città plurale, Bulzoni Editore, 2019, pp. 123-150

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