Our Future Healthcare: More Equal and Sustainable Healthcare Systems

As a healthcare emergency, Covid-19 forced to restructure and rethink healthcare and its organization and has modified our way to look at healthcare needs and priorities. Considering changes realized and the ones at stake in healthcare, the “Our Future Healthcare” project intends to understand how healthcare professionals identify needs and resources in medicine today and how they imagine a future healthcare.

Main issues to reflect on are priorities in healthcare, relevance of communication and new technologies, any possible role for spirituality in healthcare and the evaluation of different healthcare models. These elements seem to be relevant to guarantee more equal and sustainable medicine and public health.

The project will allow to underscore, through their narratives, how experiences and competencies of clinicians – working in different fields and contexts, in dialogue with communities and society – can contribute to imagine and define future healthcare scenarios.

Funding agency: FBK-ISR

Consortium / partners: FBK-ISR

PI: Lucia Galvagni

Researchers: Lucia Galvagni, Monica Consolandi, Miriam Ferraro

Start date: October 2021

End date: October 2022

Project web site:  TBA

Main project outputs (publications, conferences etc.): Meetings and conferences; publications; development of further national and international projects

ISR research lines: Ethics in Medicine and Digital Healthcare


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